Free porn videos with the hottest and sexiest naked girls and naked women. I post 30 videos every week, this is about 4 videos per day. I cooperate with the best porn studios so you get the latest updates. By adding videos to your “Watch Later” playlist, you can easily access them whenever you want. Use Watch Later icon in the top menu for quick access to the playlist. However, a full HD video you can download directly on their resource by the link under the video.
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More videos
Would appreciate a better search function
More large orgy videos
Add more girls with lube?
some gay
Needs more pictures and gigs would be awesome!
can i eat your pussy
It would be really interesting to see more of the impregnation based videos.
I think daily milf vids would be great and better Asian vids. Its the same people over and over.
I would also like some gay videos.
More in girl masturbation categories
Wouldn’t you like also some gay videos?
yes i would
Go die
put names of stars in the description
More in the masturbation category
put names of stars in the description
I didn’t like the new version of damplips. I like the previous version as it was easier to download short videos on uc browser.With this version i was not able to download the videos.Kindly fix this fucking problem and make the site better .Thank You
We need creampie, anal creampie and squirting catagories. Also, you get say in the title and description that there is a creampie or squirting and then it cuts off…
More lesbians
More lesbian
More Latinas
Site looks good keep it up
Get the new porns
Get the new porns
Could you post an upload schedule for the website
i cant find newest uploads
Snapchat, Washington.khri
Add me for dick pics
Snapchat, Washington.khri
Add me for dick pics
let me see that big wiggly cock
(346) 249-0995
text me im a boy
(346) 249-0995
any girl open for anything im a boy
Bring back ebony gfs
I agree
Bring back ebonygfs
girls add my snap dylangolden55
Pls show people cumming, don’t end the video right before that happens. I really don’t like it and a lot of others don’t like it either
Please use better grammar. It is liking me how bade the grammar is.
On my Samsung tablet I can go so far down the page and watch them and then it says something about video can not play
ya naumber par call kar sakta ha 8863845565 jo lady sax krna chahti ha
The Jews were god biggest mistake
No u
No you are thx you suck go and suicide we don’t need you shit
have iphone 7
videos will not load using safari and mobile data
It would be great if you added the pornstars name after the video so I don’t have to go searching for it
Dm me on insta @bartomeu167
You can just quit it with the video descriptions. Nobody reads it and nobody really cares. If you just get rid of them all together from now on eventually you can fit like 8 more videos per page.
hey u fucking idiot some people read the description
I agree
I have a iPhone 7 and no new video will play
Could you describe the error? I also have iPhone 7 and dont see any problems. If you could write me at it would be awesome.
How come my coments never post?
Why no full screen option anymore?
I have an android and I have full screen
I would really prefer more lesbian content please.
I always get soaked when I use this site!
What’s your Snapchat
Send pics. 5033834570
Snap me at edipa37
The new website is sexier and makes me wet every time I watch. My boyfriend cums if he is with me!
He could cum without you!
I am soon going to be having my 56th birthday and I would love it if some bathing beauty wouldn’t mind fucking me dry for my present. My wife isn’t into fucking me she don’t seem to enjoy .call me @417 598 8037
guys and girls amosc yb72202
Any chance you might stop using the term ‘cream pie’ in the description of a video that ends before the money shot? It’s a real bitch getting close to that point and having the video end without the main idea of the video being shown.
It is very good and shows a lot of pussies.
I would love to see more!
Please show more to me!
How do I renew the terms and conditions
647 268 1029
Add me on snap. T6711
Nice work
I like pussy
so do i
I do to
I cant watch the video want to watch what shall I do ??
Awesome Site
It would be helpful to post the actress’s names beside the video descriptions
i agree. credits would be much appreciated
When will the next videos be published
Yo sexy sexy
DO YOU do you want to come over my house at Allen Avenue I’m wearing I’m wearing I’m wearing a black muscle shirt with a khaki pants text Chris I mean
how some videos go to green screen
i have slow internet so could you make it so you can change the quality
I miss the old site but this will do
I am bi, i have experience, lost virginity at 13, first gangbang at 16, any lesbians or guys big enough to pleasure me add me on snapchat at sexysexyelizz
I have big bubes!
That snap doesn’t work
Are you a boy or a girl
Are you a boy or a girlyou are a girl I will fuck your brain sout
My snapchat is iloveyoutube17
Why did you lose your virginity at 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is sooo stupid!!!! I am 21 and still a virgin and will be till I get married!!
I couldn’t find you
That snap username doesn’t work
Would be nice if you could add links to the videos to the pictures. It sucks when you see that hot picture and don’t find the video :/
Can yall post more anal sex videos please. They get me so horny.
More action I love the pussy it makes me so hard
I liked it when you did not have to pay to see the videos… Why can’t your new format be free like it used to be?
It’s free of course like it was before
JW was way better
This is the same JW but the last version 8.2
So i have been constantly using this site for about 3 years now and I have seen that the video loading speeds have slowed down. I think that they loaded much faster and smoother when they were JW Player
It is also JW Player and changes with the design did not affect video content. All video files are at the same server and the speed loading could not change in any way.
Sometimes,the media player cannot play,and very slow
I like this new style,,very good!
As of writing this, there are 306 pages of content, ranging back to August 20th, 2007. How tf does someone manage a website like this for eleven years?
In fact, the site is even older, since 2004
Sex cheers me up
So good
i love girl
Sex is awesome!
guys ive being getting this message over 3 days error setting up player on all the videos why??
Hi! Could you write me at and we could test a few video players and identify the problem
I am 58
Videos still load so damn slow. And the video search thing should be better. But this website is some exclusive shit. I’ve used it since 2011, and imma keep using it.
How do you make money with this website? Also what made you choose the domain name back in 2007… was damplips more of a popular term back then or something?
I would love to see an automatic comment blocking system where all comments that contain the word “kik” are automatically removed so that the comment sections on videos are not filled with horny 10 year olds watching prawn on ther moms’ iPad. On a more serious note, I would love to see more of a community develop in the comment sections.
Can you fuk me
When and I wold love to fuck you
Site doesn’t work with IE 11.
Videos don’t load. Get error message.
Just checked it with IE 11.0.29 (latest version) and don’t see any problems. Could you write me at and we could test a few video players and identify the problem
I’m running:
Version: 11.0.9600.18893
Update Versions: 11.0.50(KB4056568)
Is 11.0.50 or 11.0.9600 later than 11.0.29?
Sorry, I have 11.0.9600 .18231 Just looked at Update Versions 11.0.29 . In any case it does not matter. Please write me at my email! I use JWPlayer and this is a very common video player, I’ll have to ask their support.
Love the new design. I would however greatly appreciate full length videos and more pov vids.
I get an “error loading player” “Network error” message on my Samsung tablet.
What can I do so I can watch the videos?
Please could you write me to and we could test a few video players and identify the problem
What about altering the home page layout so that it adopt a more -tube like format instead of that of a blog/forum, with a page for each update to the site’s catalog of videos?
Lol, I’m working on it right now. There will be a tube looking page with a lot of thumbnails.
I love the classic damplips linear video displaying.
No, no, don’t worry, it will be just one more additional page
Can you add more moriah mills videos
Girls add me on SnapChat : acarreon996
Send first pussy and tits before I send back
Add me on snapchat Aaron Carreon
Girls add me on Snapchat Aaron Carreon
Add me on SnapChat: Aaron Carreon cause I wanted to trade pics with someone.
More young/teen lesbian videos
Two young naked girls fisiting and scissoring their pussies in the next update, it will be Friday / Saturday
Admin, can i request some more videoes like lesbian and threesome cause it makes me hard. Thanks
Site doesn’t work on Windows phone
Could you add more info? If you could write me at it would be great! Any screenshots would help a lot! Help me to find the bug with the design!
Site doesn’t work on windows phone!
I think we need more brother/sister. Also make less of them be group sex. Just a classic 2 person sislovesme fairly frequently would be nice. I just like the rich story behind them not just straight to the bang! Website looks spectacular otherwise. Kindles don’t have issues with this.
There will be a sneaky sister/brother sex by Sislovesme and one more video by Spyfam, both with a great stroryline.
Cracking site
You should start tagging the pornstars
Yes, I’m working on it.
this may be kinda gay but…. gay porn?
I was trying to figure out how to download minecraft, how the hell did I end up here?? might as well take a quick look around… *thee days and 76 cumstained socks later* nice site, would recommend actor/actress names so people can find more of their work.
Maybe put the Porn stars names if available, I’ve seen some that i’d like to find more videos of but I can’t find them and a name would be helpful…
Don’t like new design less control more frame freezing
Are you talking about the video player design? I will change it soon, there will be better control panel.
it is better now
i love sex i just want less penis sucking and more kissing and pussy rubbing
thats all
ather wise i love the videos you guys make your so sexy
and porny
Best videos tank you
can you make a homepage where new videos pop up
I never did this before I would like women to come over teach me and play with my body lick my pussie and fill my holes and plays I would like some help
Please I’m getting a divorce my pussie hurts I haven’t had it licked or my holes filled in over 2 years I would like some females to come help me
im there for you
hi message me
Hit me up on snapchat
We need more Amy Anderson and diamond Jackson
You should start tagging the names of the actors and actresses.
Umm I caught my 11 daughter on this
I want the names of these hot ass bitches, cause I’m gonna fuck them all
Hi I’ll have sex with you but please suck my pussy good jus reply
Lana rhoades
8189841961 hmu I’m 25 a artist music producer and a song writer
I have one suggestion only, and that is to add more, change, or update the videos in the most viewed bar
Very impressed a lot of time has clearly been put into CSS to make the site really visually attractive, the new load times are very impressive as well. A massive improvement over the old site. Keep up the great work
I am unsure as to whether the upload cycle is regular though? I feel like perhaps a set release schedule would be better, though I guess you would then end up with times where the servers were under heavy load, which might not be ideal based on your network/server config. Also is this your main job, or do you make other websites?
Thanks! A lot of work was done to improve the site. I’m glad to hear that there are not only haters
Nevertheless, there is still a lot of work to implement some features and fix some bugs. As for updates, I’m going to post new videos on a daily basis, I just have to solve current problems. It seems I’ve checked the site on all possible phones but there are some Android users who have problems with the site.
New update is fire
Name of the actresses in the videos
what’s this article’s picture from?
Those girls snapchats
The update is qual, but you can’t search past page 100 now, which is unfortunate. Everyone has those nostalgic days…
I’ve changed infinite page scrolling to LOAD MORE scrolling. At the same time there is standard pagination 1 2 3 4 … in the footer and in the sidebar.
I used to watch one video quite often – Think it was called sth. like “Innocent teen girl with pigtails masturbates in bed”, but it was removed. Can you tell why?
Videos take too long to show up when scrolling down i have a android
Could you check it now? I’ve changed infinite page scrolling to LOAD MORE button scrolling. At the same time there is standard pagination 1 2 3 4 … in the footer and in the sidebar. You can use any way to get to the next page and choose the fastest for your device
More mom and daughter vids and cramped. Also the top video is always the same, the rest if the page will be updated with new videos but the very first one alternates between like 2 or 3 videos. I’m using android don’t know if that matters
Upload daily like a new video a day u know
models name
More Masturbation!
Can’t watch any vids on android, always say error video couldn’t be played. The last player was trash but this one is worse
Could you check it now? I’ve changed something.
It’s still the same for me. No videos on android
Could you write me to I’ll give you a few test pages with different video players and we will find this bug! Thanks in advance!
I changed my Android version to 8.0.0 and now it works.
I like the new design, however when a videos is buffering, I used to reload the page, and now when I reload the site, it takes me somewhere different, i.e. if I reload at the home page, it will take me to
I’ve changed infinite page scrolling to LOAD MORE button scrolling. At the same time there is standard pagination 1 2 3 4 … in the footer and in the sidebar and you can use this old way to get to the page2,3 …
More videos where the girls are stuck somewhere, and fucking machine…?
if I see something like this I will add it! By the way this week there will be a Brazzers video of Amia Miley who managed to get her arm stuck in the kitchen sink
Stop posting vids of girls with weird tits
More sexy girls, some girls on this are fuck ugly
I would like to be able to search by “most viewed” or highest rated. Similar to what you have on the side bar but would allow for a new a page just for those videos.
Where is that picture from?
Need more Asian girls
More anal
Can you add some more pink pussy videos
More blondes would be great. Good stuff so far?
I like when it told me the day u guys put it on the website
Yes, a great idea, I should add this feature. I think it would be great to post a thumbnail of the upcoming video and countdown
More lesbian porn
Ok, I have started posting lesbian videos every update.
no, we need more anal! multiple per update
I dont like how when i click on a vid, it automatically goes full screen.
I think you are on a tablet, ok, it’s not a problem to turn off full screen after start for tablets.
pubg is for gay niggas
please add school sex and also add Indian porn
Fortnite themed porn
school – yes
indian – no