Sex is probably the greatest pleasure that a person can feel. However, sex can also be a vice that leads to serious troubles, so big that they can change your life forever. This is a story about a high-school gym teacher – the one that all the school girls have a crush on. He had a perfect life, until one day he did the only thing a teacher must never do – he fucked one of his students. As a matter of fact, he fucked two of them, but let us go slowly with the story. At first, the teacher involved in a sex affair with a sexy teenage girl who recently turned 18. She was one of the hottest and most popular girls at school. She was rich, good looking and had every condition to grow into a successful and achieved woman one day, except for one problem. She didn’t want to be successful; she wanted to be a slut. She wanted her gym teacher to fuck her in the changing room and gag her on his hard cock, cum in her mouth every time. For the past few months, he had been having an affair with her but knew that inevitably they would need to break up one day before he got caught. One day, after practice, the gym teacher and his teenage lover sneaked off and had sex in the locker room. The teen girl couldn’t wait to have his cock in her mouth again. After enjoying her mouth on his cock, he hiked her school skirt up and slid his big cock up into her wet aching pussy. A sweet, tight, pussy was enough to drive any man to the brink of insanity. A little slut made her gym teacher fuck her harder and harder untill he came in her mouth. Unfortunately that day, her friend caught them having sex in the changing room and recorded it on her cell, which she later showed to her stepbrother. By the way, her stepbrother is a dick, and he fucks her occasionally, and when he saw what her classmate is doing, he ordered his step-sister to tell her that she needs to do anything they want from her. Otherwise, they’ll upload this video on the internet. They both turned on by the idea of making easy money and he fucked her right there on the couch, cumming all over his cum slut sister at the end. The girl went to her school friend and showed the video to her, asking 10,000 dollars as a reward for her silence. However, she refused to pay and hit her friend with an ashtray, which passed her out. She knew her teacher was with his wife but she called him at home anyway.
Meanwhile was having sex with his wife when the phone rang. It was his teenage lover having a complete freak out. In a desperate attempt to calm her down and not raise suspicions, he told her to put the girl in her car and meet him at his family’s cottage. When the other girl woke up, realizing what had happened to her, she decided to confront the teacher. A slut used the victim card and ended up persuading him into fucking her too … which he did. While they were doing it, his teenage girlfriend came into the room, saw them, and joined them. It was a nasty threesome in which both girls enjoyed their gym teacher’s cock together. However, when they finished with it, while they were still naked, his wife came in and made a horrible scene. The girls ran, and one of them shot the teacher’s wife with a gun. The other girl then complained to her stepbrother that their teacher violated both of them and accused him of the murder. Her-stepbrother got mad, so he and his friend, together with the girls, tied the teacher up, but not so that they can beat him. They did it so that they can force him to watch a foursome in which those two guys fuck the girls like two dirty, filthy sluts. Honestly could see this in a movie theater. I am VERY impressed by this series, I love Porn with stories. This is a new approach, this is a feature film that just happens to have explicit sex in it. Make sure you don’t forget to koin up and download all the episodes!
Cats: Hardcore, Sneaky sex, Young 18 year old
High-school gym teacher has an affair with one of his students
Hardcore, Sneaky sex, Young 18 year old
High-school gym teacher has an affair with one of his students
I’m new, but why don’t they poop?
Why don’t they poop?¿I am new I turned 18 yesterday.
That is so fucking sexy
That is very fucking good
name of the second girl?
add my snap bigbootybella68 i post nudes everyday
Thank you baby girl, make sure I send a dick pic.
Rank they sexy
i love to wach people have sex
im looking ate pregnant girls
I love to have some ses
I don’t understand dis but ight
add me on snap for dick @joshsmith5414
This isnt Minecraft
Add my Snapchat Sophia_24888
Add my Snapchat @alissaalin198
Add me on snap for pics bryan17263 boys and girls
I low-key want to see if this will work, send nudes to “Snapchat” Jason-lutes
Girls send nudes to my snap @c-right5824
Hey girls add me on kik for some fun ; ), : ogLusto1
Add me on snap for some fire dick @cs_45
Girls if you want some fun and a big dick add bigalex567 on kik!
add me on my private $nap: flonikaf
add me on my kik: flonikasfeet
i sell nudes, feet pics, and video calls
Yes officer, this is the video right here
Add me on snap if you want pics m16 Jmora2023
This violates YouTube’s community guidelines
Yes it does xD
I wish this show was on Netflix
i am pretty sure that the teacher is band from having sex with students
Do you want to have sex
Yes I do~ my name is Scarlett and I have a BIG ASS and TITS and my pussy is wet all for you~
I just wanna get dicked down
cmon then
I just wanna get dicked down
Girls add snap @harrison_108
People really want to snap for nuds
All these messages are just “add my snap for free nudes i promise” lmao
This is too complicated
Add me on snap bryan17263 boys and girls
can i say that guy teacher is rlly rlly hot
the show
Add my snap lachlan_carrall
Girls: send nudes to
add my snap girls tristanlynch33
THIS is super deep and kinda sad but i do like the plot twist this could be a movie.
Titled 50 shades of why is this so fucking complicated
Girls add me on snap to swap @sup2349
Gyals add me on snapchat @webebigdg for a big white one
Girls add me on snap for nudes @webebigdg
Gyals add me on snap to trade nudes @webebigdg
Hi my name is Alex, I’m a girl and I’m looking to sell some nudes for cheap, HMU if you are interested, kik: alexjames4334
How do I un-watch something?
Add on snap for dick gageman29
Add me on snap girls: kidd_drummerboy
this could literally be a movie.
Fuck fuck fuck!You go people
Do you guys eat cheese it’s?
Your penis goes into a hot women’s vagina
You turned on yet?
Hi call me
i was told this was a minecraft video
I still think she’s a virgin
Welcome to 2020 bois
Add me on snap boys @emmaskywilson
Add me on snap for some good pics @amber69hun
Are we not gonna talk about the fact that these two girls had more sex in 3 days then some of you losers will have in your entire lives?
lmao I bet your lonely ass won’t get shit. all you get is your mother’s kisses fag boy
don’t take the comment personally you snowflake. why don’t you grow a fucking pair and stop choking on your dad’s cock?
Nigga toilet
I’m just here for the comments
Please don’t post anymore shit like this
came for the porn, stayed for the plot
Add me on snap girls only please: thennow.241
Add my snap girls @samlucas66 for some fun
girls add me on snap: peter_j9784
Girls I know you like a big dick so go ahead and add dylan.alex98 on kik for sexting !
Add on snap 4 dick gageman29
Looking for girls to trade nudes hmu on snap @big_cock0714
add me on snap: peter_j9784
Who has a dick
Right here
Your mother and all the males
This shit wack kinda creeped me tf out
Girls add me on kik if u wanna sext @OllyC666. See u there
This shit went from 0 to
The fuck was this?
Wtf is this shit
Ah that’s hot
Ah that’s hot!!!
Add me on Snapchat; Mstuart57
Selling my body, add me on Snapchat guys and girls; Mstuart57
I’m Doug dimadome owner of the dougsdale dimadome
It’s dimmsdale dimmadome not owner of the dougsdale dimmadome
This is so hot I came so much pls make another my pussy is dripping cum
wait a fucking minute
Add me on snap lachlan_carrall if u wanna trade
Yo this is fucked up
Frfr idk wtf typa story that was