It is the year 2095 and the technology can let you make an android clone of deceased relatives. A lonely dad lost his daughter, so he had her recreated in Android form. ARTIFAMILY had evolved to become the leading treatment facility for victims of exploitation, emotional distress, and extreme bereavement. This company specializes in creating android clones of deceased loved ones so that no one must suffer the loss of losing someone too soon ever again. The team of scientists were able to upload and digitize his daughter’s brain cells to construct an exact clone, using machine learning and patented algorithms to generate a personality match from the digital data. She looked just like his little Jessica, but there was something odd with this robot. When he took her home, all she kept asking about was fucking. It was driving him crazy as he couldn’t fuck his tiny girl. But Jessica discovered that her pussy would often get wet and that she needed a hard dick to satisfy that urge. He kept rejecting her and read the manual he was given, particularly the diagram about how to turn the android off. She kept driving him crazy when she would tease him. It was making him crazy! ‘I am a perfectly proportioned 18-year-old girl’, ‘I am always eager to please you.’ The man shook his head in disbelief. ‘Yes daddy,’ she smiled turning onto her knees and crawling to his lap. ‘I am the best version of your daughter. I want you to fuck me, daddy!’ In a panic, he pressed his thumb between her eyes and the android clone closed its eyes and fell into a rest mode position. But she wasn’t even his real daughter. She was no his little baby. He grabbed the frozen girl’s face aggressively. ‘I should just fuck you till you break!’ he yelled. In the heat of the moment, his thumb re-actived her.
He grabbed her head and shoved his dick so deep inside the girl’s mouth! He wanted her to choke on his big dick for being such a filthy slut. He kept deepthroating her as she was gagging. She had been teasing him so much, and now he needed to punish the whore. It was time to see what his dick can do to her. He wanted to destroy the bitch. The sloppy blowjob was making him even hornier and he was pushing it deeper in her filthy mouth. ‘You’re hungry for Daddy’s cock aren’t you,’ he pushed his balls into her mouth. Her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk, drooling on his ball sack. He realized he got the ultimate sex machine instead of his daughter. He had the Android girl against the wall and stood behind her. His head was boiling and his cock was so hard it was driving him crazy. Dad pushed it deep inside the robot’s cunt and started banging her like a slut. That pussy was so wet and he couldn’t resist having a taste of it. It was so sweet and it needed more cock in it. He was choking the slut as he was hitting that cunt. His cum was dripping out of her mouth as he was face fucking her. But she wanted more, so he gave it to her. His girl turned him into a crazy pervert and smashing her cunt was the only thing on his mind. He didn’t even leave the house for days, as he was banging that slut all the time. The whole place was all sticky and messy from all that cum. He liked it sloppy and he fucked her everywhere. The Android’s pussy was designed to please his cock like no other pussy could. The daddy was so proud of his baby becoming a real woman and a great cocksucker. He was afraid that she might break from all that merciless fucking, so he ordered another clone, so he could have two girls at the same time.
Cats: Hardcore, Stepdad Stepdaughter
Father seduced by an android clone of his 18 year old daughter
Hardcore, Stepdad Stepdaughter
Father seduced by an android clone of his 18 year old daughter
Yo she is so fucking cute I want to fuck her myself.
what a sexy litte nigger
I like sexy grils
Dam you fucked her hard
jill kassidy
This shit creepy
That ….. was disturbing but sexy at the same time idk how I feel about thisnice video I guess?
That guy is one of the best actors I’ve ever seen in porn
bro how do you maniacally laugh while getting head while saying out loud that it’s your daughter…
On god…
what is this android fuck land
that android is creepy no thank you
I felt like I was watching a Si-Fi movie
I felt unclean watching this
My snap is kingninja222 for girls
this mfs name is kingninja and he expects to get girls lmao
This isn’t cyberpunk
Alabama: Become Human
watched for the plot
Dude is this a cyberpunk movie or porn
Is there a difference?
Plot twist: The clone is his actual daughter
I just want to know what were the scientists smoking when they decided to put a pussy on a robot.
y’all buggin frfr
lolwhen there’s a four on one rape vid bitches be whining but then y’all call this incest when she literally tried seducing him lol
Knockoff Keanu Reeves
This is fucking illegal
Anyone want to pleat his porn together? Add me on sc godfloss
Acting was still 10/10
Girls add me on snap, my id is @shrenik7773
Who came up with the messed up idea for him to fuck a robot version of his dead daughter. How the fuck has porn gotten this bad
You dont know the lor3. You see once his late grandmother passed out and his cousin married his wife, the daughter drove away to mexico with mother. But late at nights with the help of fathers childhood friend Jeo living next door l, he started visiting his daughter late at night and through scifi wire tubes communicated with his daughter. Their relationship quickly took a sexual turn, but after found out and brought to police charged with ‘stalking’ by his ex-wife, being placed a resctriction order and in 2 month home prison, his another friend who was also the new-nigerian prince at the time Steve Roberts Jr. Second heir to throne woth business in peanuts, also working at android company which he was cast aside to by his shy wife as punishment for let her marry him, helped to sneak special software into an android ordered by the mother to guard her daugher from father and ex-husband. Through the robot, father dated his daughter who now loved father but couldnt bring shame on step-fathers MechaDuke Rad Rogerzzs family – the cybernetic lords of west internet sector. Once after android-daughter sexual intercourse, step-father found out and made mother kill daughter. After the tragedy, the assassin tribe of Scandinavia was blaned for the incident, but fathers late-teacher, now working for BRC – Bot Retrieval Company; in accordance with guidlines of the Batlantic Convention of passing androids suggested order of new android with daughters genetical properties and as state experiment used East America research funds for the project. Planning to utilize passed daughters memoriez in the android, professor succeeded in his creation as father asked. But father now shy of his daughter as this is an government project now is unsure to continue his sexual relationship with daughter as new android. Thats the basics anyways.
yo we not writing and MLA paper calm down
righttttttt, im not reading that lmao
*Cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack starts playing*
Nah for him to stay in character while having sex and everything? Impressive acting to say the least
Hey I’m 19 Male in Kewanee Illinois. I’ll suck an older guys dick if you travel to me. I don’t wanna ge sucked by a guy. Kik GiveAnswerYes
I live very close to your town and that scares me.
Damn give that guy an Oscar lmao that was some good acting
lowkey felt bad for the dad
AYOOO im pretty sure this is some fucked up kind of incest but dude can act. Bro kinda looks like John Wick too.
This is gross
Guy above ain’t cappin
This is unironically interesting plot and fire acting
This made me want to throw up.
What the fuck was this site thinking when they uploaded this shit?
This is as bad as when they uploaded the pregnant and lactating vids.
Yall really gotta check yourselves
She pretty much raped him but y’all women ain’t ready to accept that
This is actually an amazing sci-fi premise. This might be the first time ever I can truly say I was watching the porn for the plot.
Shit porn just keeps getting weirder and weirder like fr
Bro we not gunna talk about how they didn’t put “step” in front of daughter? Meaning he just committed robotic insest
just read that title, not watching the video, sounds weird af
Acting like the video wasn’t weird
By far one of the stranger porns that I’ve watched
Nigga look like john wick
This is fucked
This shit weird asf ngl
OMFG SHES SO… ugly cuh wtf is you doing
Nah cuz this ain’t it
add me on snap for some fun x
snap: hmiraaxxx
what the actual fuck
Bruh damplips forgot to put Step in, this just wrong
I don’t think they forgot
not sure if they forgot or if it was intentional…
Add my snap itz_xdamian and my number 9549953494 For my huge cock
She broke character
Detroit: Become Horny
Fax right here
Add me on snap for sexting hydrofrodo
This guy needs to be in other types of acting he got some talent
That guy is a better actor than pornstar like gd
When you need rent money you can’t say no to a job.
this whole thing is well acted except for that weird doctor in the beginning.