Hi guys, you probably noticed that in recent days there have been interruptions in content. It’s because I’m from Ukraine and I just don’t have time to post, and there is no internet in the bomb shelter. I will try to return on a normal schedule of 3 videos per day!
If you’re wondering what’s going on in Ukraine, check this Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withukraine/
The latest news and videos of the fighting Ukrainian people against Putler and his Russian occupiers: https://t.me/s/nexta_live (but this telegram channel is in Russian)
At this moment little Ukraine, not the richest country in the world, is fighting against Putin’s Russian Empire which includes Belarus. They attack every day from all three sides, from north, east and south. It includes rockets, multiple rocket launchers, tanks, fighters, bombers but Ukrainians are holding back Russia, which was supposed to be like 4th country with the highest military expenditures. At this moment any Ukrainian city has been captured by the Russians. EU and USA help with weapons and money, it’s very good, but everyone is afraid to give military assistance to Ukraine in order to free the whole world from the crazy communist dictator. Also the economic sanctions against Russia are still very weak. Today Putler has ordered his military to put Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert. Ukraine needs a modern missile defense system to protect itself and probably Europe from a nuclear explosion.
Ok guys, everything will be alright, truth wins, not Putin’s propaganda!
Stay safe as best you can!
Stay safe, prioritize yourself and not the business. Sending love and support from Texas. Long live Ukraine
damn bro thats tough, stay safe out there <3
Good Luck Admin! Don’t worry about the upload schedule, just make sure that you are safe
Stay safe man
Stay safe man. Appreciate the effort
Hope your doing well.
is it weird that a porn site is what makes all of what’s happening seem actually real to me, not just some bullshit halfway across the world?
keep your head up, random ukranian guy who runs this site!
godspeed o7
Stay strong, Ukraine!
Shit man, hope you’re doing good and staying safe through the insanity over there. Hopefully things will get better soon, but for now, all we can do is pray. Good luck over there!
I appreciate you
hey man we appreciate you
I hope the best for you and your family!
Be safe out there. I pray for your safety and hope everything will be ok.
My best wishes to you and those who are suffering the effects of the fight thank you for the content may you and everyone else stay safe.
So new porn soon?
head up king stay safe stay strong it’ll all be over soon
My heart is with you. I am deeply sorry you have to go through that torment and everyone in Ukraine. Russia is terrible and what a army you have to be able to put up a fight against them. I hope you will be able to go back to a normal life soon and someone stops Russia. Keep us updated like this. I’m sure others would like to see it since you run the site and are experiencing all of this first hand.
Stay safe man!
Stay strong man, and I will pray for all of you.
Oh shit, hopefully you stay safe, and people will understand, take care mr admin dude
praying for u my boy
Absolute chad of a man, stay safe homie!
stay strong admin
I will await the day when you upload Putler getting fucked by Ukraine….stay safe my friend
Stay safe my dude. Pretty sure we’ll be ok til you’re back
All my wishes to you and your family!
Wish you all the best, hopes and prayers to the strong people of UKR
Came to watch porn, left patriotic. The world is with Ukraine!
I’ve using this site for 4 years and I’m sorry bro, we all hope you make it through this time. It’s so sad that Russia is doing something like this. The world stands behind you and we all are praying for the people of Ukraine. Don’t feel pressure to post 3 videos a day you should focus on staying safe. Ukrainian militants are doing a great job defending, the Russians were not prepared for such a strong force fighting for their country. Best wishes to you and FUCK PUTIN.
Stay strong history will forever remember Ukraine standing up to Russia and hopefully prevailing. The whole world stand with Ukraine.
Hey man, hope everything turns out ok, for real. You have everyone’s support!
Ik this isnt like the right site for this kinda talk but good job on the optimism and know that the press in America is covering the conflict and support has rallied fast in many countries for support for ukraine.
Don’t worry man, Ukraine will get through this.
Wow I didn’t know you were from Ukraine stay strong the whole world hopes Ukraine will prevail. Putin has to be stopped, at this rate he will start WW3 I am praying for peace.
Damn homie keep it real you got this
i hope u and ur family are okay man this shit sucks one call from some bald headed prick millions of families suffer sending prayers.
Be safe.
Stay safe you guys will get through this.
Good luck dude, we’re rooting for you. You’ve been a quality purveyor of porn for years and are a huge resource.
A good rub out, to the Ukraines!!!
I am sorry to hear, stay safe and the whole world prays for the whole of Ukraine
Most importantly stay safe and hope a WWIII doesn’t happen
love you very much, stay safe, everything will be okay
dude its totally fine we get it and good luck
Ayy man respect, stay safe out there and dw abt us in here. We can go a day or two w/o a wank
Stay safe my friend. We need you here
Hope you are okay man
Glory to the Ukraine, hope your country and people make it through this all right
My heart goes out to you and the Ukrainian people. I hope Putin is stopped swiftly and punished for his crimes.
yessir, great post dude
Stay safe man
hey stay safe man I always assumed that u were based in the us I cant believe I read this while I was just tryna beat off LMAOOO
Stay safe out there and stay strong against the shit head putin
You’re in a bomb shelter… And you’re still providing good free porn to the rest of the world! Start a go fund me! Hats off to you my man
Hang tight brother. You are awesome for running this site. Keep up your faith.
It’s not Russia vs Ukraine. It’s Putin vs The World
I came to tug one out, but just know you have the whole world cheering for Ukraine. We support you, fight strong and don’t give in
Nah imma have to intervene with the war due it it effecting my porn
Omg I pray that you’ll be alright. And I pray the same for all Ukraine.
Thank you for the videos everyday
respect the attitude man, y’all are seriously brave people
things will get better<3 <3
holy fuck
I hope you’ll be safe, and hopefully these Russian scum will be handled with.
We wish you the best mate
Sending prayers your way
Thanks for the content you always provide us.
braver than the troops. stay safe my friend
Stay safe
This is insane, I came onto this site horny. And am leaving with accurate information not ruined by mainstream media. I can accurately say I know what is going on in Ukraine now because of the man who has been uploading porn for me since I was 14 what a small world.
stay safe bro it’ll all be over soon
Stay safe
Slava Ukraini! Heroyam slava!
Hope you stay safe man
Stay safe bro fr shit is crazy out there… prayers with you !
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Slava Ukraina!
And I was just wondering this morning if you were from the Ukraine and that’s why nothing was uploaded the last few days. God’s speed man.
hey man i’m sorry you’re on that situation i hope you are doing okay
praying 4 u dude
stay safe my brother
stay safe my dude <3 you will never be forgotten
Admin da no
Try your best to stay strong bro
We understand what’s going on. This is not your first priority right now, it is too stay safe. I hope nothing the but the best for you and we will get through this together.
be safe! everything going on there has been horrifying, i hope the madness comes to an end soon and peace can return, i can only imagine how terrible it must be to be in the middle of everything right now!!
From the US here, do not worry about trying to post anything right now, focus on your safety. I’m sure most here are on your side and wish you the best. Praying for you.
Stay safe, we’re all hoping Ukraine pulls through, Good Luck!
I’m American but like cmon Putin, you cannot recreate the USSR and succeed, you cannot win an insurgency, you cannot fight the west and win, and you cannot take the spirit from Ukrainians. For this I have 3 words for you, in Russian no less
Ты красивая девушка
Its No problem if you dont upload, you and your family’s safety is the most important thing!
Best of luck to you
thank you for keeping up with this site and we’re all praying for you
Oh shit man. I hope you and your families stay safe! I’m wishing and hoping for the best possible outcome for you guys! Sending lots of love!
I’m coming for those beautiful Ukrainian women
All porn aside, best of luck, im preying for all of you
I hope you’re doing well bro
hate what’s happening
Nigga is in a bomb shelter and still has time to post porn on the site, that’s dedication.
be safe bro hope you will be okay!!
Holy shit dude. Had no idea you’re from and in Ukraine at the moment. Hope you survive and make it out safe!
much love, stay safe!
stay safe!
Hope you stay safe brother!!
We are being held captive by Putler rn, we don’t want this war either. Sorry for the inconvenience.
damm i hope everyting us alright dude
damn, i hope things work out for you over there
Good lick
stay safe my friend
Goddamn, this was a surprise. Hope you (and the rest of Ukraine) will be okay.
Amen brother, stay safe out there…
Thanks for the update, please be safe!
Stay safe out there
Fuck hope you stay safe
Stay safe
Stay safe!! Prayers up for you and your country!
You got this
Stay safe.
much love from the UK and Romania

If putin doesn’t stop I might have to intervene
I respect even a porn site telling its views about the war in Ukraine thanks for the message
stay strong man
Honestly brother, don’t worry about uploading here. There’s so many more places for us, but I pray ur safe man. It’s fucking insane that this is going on right now. Please stay safe, this shit is crazy and I hope that you, your family and all of Ukraine stays safe. Hopefully other counties do something about this
means a lot that you’re still posting my friend. I hope you and your family are okay. The truth always wins
bless you Man
Wish you all the best, stay safe!
gl my man, respect that you’re still continuing this website from a bomb shelter.
Be careful man, stay safe.
Stay safe.
Who ever you are, I wish you the best of luck. We all appreciate what you are doing with the content on this page. I have been on this site for over 8 years now and I really love the 3 vids per day. Thank you and Stay safe bro.
It’s sad to hear and I hope everyone in Ukraine is safe and finds justice
All the best wishes bro
this page is amazing
Don’t worry about it
Much love from the U.S.A I been following you page for years now I love your work …. It hurts me to read this and imagine what you guys are going through stay strong my friends we got this !!!
I hope all the best for you and fully support you guys. Fuck Putin and hope his ass dies for all shit he’s pulled. Will be thinking about you.
Good luck legend
l russia
I stand with ukraine
Stay strong and stay safe, we rooting for u!
Stay safe man, love n support from US
Good luck, stay safe!
sending thoughts and prayers. Don’t pressure urself to update this site when ur life is in danger bro
Damn who would’ve thought. I hope shit gets better with y’all man its fucking sad what’s goin on right now. Stay safe
Amen brother, stay safe out there…
man had no idea you were from ukraine, stay safe man and i hope this shit stops real soon and that the USA and EU stop being pussys and actually help your country
Hope you’re safe
Best of luck. Stay safe man.
Good luck my friend, thank you for the videos every day and we all pray for your safety.
God speed
Praying for you and all of Ukraine
Don’t worry about us just worry about yourself first
Glory to Ukraine
Hope you stay safe, praying for you all
Hope you stay safe, praying for you all